Free Software activities

This page holds info on Jeremiah Foster's Free Software activities.  

April 2022

This was the last month that I was active in Freexian as I joined Intel in Spring of 2022.

March 2022

February 2022

At the end of January and in the beginning of February the LTS team approved another funded project, the third so far, for the Tryton ERP tool.

January 2022

January was spent working with Freexian on LTS / ELTS administration and these funded projects;

December 2021

December was spent working on Debian on these projects;

November 2021

November was spent working on the following Debian projects;

I spent 20 hours on the LTS / ELTS project, thanks to the LTS / ELTS sponsors for enabling this. I also spent 9 hours working on the funded project in October, thanks to sponsors and the LTS team for setting aside these hours for projects to get done, it is having concrete and beneficial impact on Debian.

October 2021

October was spent working on the following Debian projects;

I spent 20 hours on the LTS / ELTS project, thanks to the LTS / ELTS sponsors for enabling this. I also spent 4 hours working on the funded project in October, thanks to sponsors and the LTS team for setting aside these hours for projects to get done. I'm looking forward to getting our current project to completion.

Septmber 2021

September was spent working on a Freexian funded project and other administrative duties. The funded project seems quite important to Free Software as it essentially removes dependency on a build tool that can't be used in Debian. Other attempts have been made to remove the dependency and I hope this funded project is successful. There's a bit of work to do to get the project ready - a set of questions then preparation of a bid which will be used to find someone to work on the project.

Overall I spent about 8 hours on administrative duties and about 12 on project funding activities for a total of 20.

I also worked a bit on packaging Henrik Sandklef's flict project outside of my regular work. Flict is an interesting license compliance tool which can help you in complex FOSS licensing situations.

August 2021

August was my first month working with the Debian {E}LTS folks as a paid contributor focusing on administrative work and on project management. It has been fascinating to get a closer look at the processes used by the LTS and the Debian security teams and there's lots to learn.

In August I wasn't really officially assigned hours but I spent 4h on the following;